Sunday, August 25, 2013

"Parent"dox: 'Bee' Tough

Sunday Night "Parent"dox #21:  'Bee' Tough

My daughter is very good at a lot of things.  

She loves to dance.  She has an infectious laugh and smile.  She rides her "big girl bike" like nobody's business.

But perhaps what she is best at is whining.

She has, without a doubt, mastered this skill.  She is a blue ribbon, first class, black belt whiner. 

Just about anything can set her off.  If she doesn't get the coloring book she wants, we hear about it.  If she gets the toy she wants, but then her brother picks up a different one and she instantly wants that one, we hear about it.  If she bumps into the cushy ottoman while walking through the living room, we hear about it.

I have passed out more Band-Aids to this child than most elementary schools go through in a year.  Nearly all of them are for "boo boo's" that have long been healed, or sometimes, don't even exist.

I love her dearly, I really do.  

She is just a champion whiner.

But here's the "parent" whiniest child is also by far my absolute toughest child.

This weekend, we experienced our first bee sting.  Considering we are 8 "kid years" (a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old) into this parenting gig, I figure it's pretty good odds we've made it this far without a bee sting.  When the sting happened, there was a moment of panic, as we weren't at our own house and I didn't have any Benadryl on me and I had no idea if either of my children were allergic to bees. 

(Thankfully, I know now one of them is not.)

The receiver of the sting was none other than my daughter.  She cried pretty good for about 73 seconds.  We put ice on it, sat on the couch with her and gave her a bite of ice cream, and honestly, that was the end of it.  We didn't hear boo about it from her for the rest of the night or the next day.  

No whining.  No Band-Aid request.  No crying.

Whenever this child has had an injury of any magnitude, she is absolutely, hands down, the toughest kid I know.  She came close to needing stitches in the back of her head, and let the doctor poke and look around like it was no big deal.  She scraped her knee pretty good when she fell running around outside, and was intrigued with how her Dad was cleaning up her wound and putting bandages on it.

Bee sting?  Piece of cake.

Had this been a hangnail, I'd still be hearing about it.

When they whine more than you can imagine; When they are tougher than you can imagine;  You Are a Good Mom.


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